Liste der nomenklatorischen und taxonomischen Veränderungen List of nomenclatural and taxonomic acts |
Mühlenstraße 22 32479 Hille (Germany) |
Asthenidia Westwood, 1879 syn. nov. of Therinia Hübner, [1823] cf. Brosch, Naumann, & Decaëns (2002): Nomenclatural and taxonomical notes on Therinia HÜBNER, [1823] and Asthenidia WESTWOOD, 1879 (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae; Oxyteninae). SHILAP. Revista de Lepidopterologia (Madrid); Volumen 30, Numero 119, 30 September 2002: pp. 245, 247. |
Homoeopteryx R. Felder in C. Felder & Rogenhofer, 1874 new junior subjective synonym of Oxytenis Hübner, 1819 (1816) cf. Brosch & Naumann (2005): Brahmaeidae & Saturniidae (Lepidoptera) described or cited by Rudolf FELDER in the Reise der Österreichischen Fregatte "Novara" um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair. Zoologischer Theil, Band II, Abtheilung 2: Lepidoptera, Atlas. Herausgeb. Akademie d.Wissenschaften Wien. [to be continued]. galathea. Berichte des Kreises Nürnberger Entomologen eV (Nürnberg); Supplement 16:, July 2005 [available: August 22, 2005]: p. 209. |
Imbrasia (Gonimbrasia) Butler, 1878 comb. rev. of Gonimbrasia Butler, 1878; presently we do not follow Bouyer (1999), who treated Gonimbrasia as a genus being distinct from Imbrasia Hübner, 1819 1816. Bouyer did not explain his taxonomic act in detail and missed to mark the nomenclatural acts as such. Therefore we reinstated the former status cf. Paukstadt, U., Brosch, & L.H. Paukstadt (2000 [August 23]): Preliminary Checklist of the Names of the Worldwide Genus Antheraea HÜBNER, 1819 (1816) (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). Part I. galathea. Berichte des Kreises Nürnberger Entomologen eV (Nürnberg); Supplement 9: p. 31. |
Imbrasia (Nudaurelia) W. Rothschild, 1895 comb. rev. of Nudaurelia W. Rothschild, 1895; reinstatement of the former status, considered to be a subgenus of Imbrasia Hübner, 1819 1816. cf. Paukstadt, U., Brosch, & L.H. Paukstadt (2000 [August 23]): Preliminary Checklist of the Names of the Worldwide Genus Antheraea HÜBNER, 1819 (1816) (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). Part I. galathea. Berichte des Kreises Nürnberger Entomologen eV (Nürnberg); Supplement 9: p. 32. |
Brahmaea (Bramophthalma) ardjoeno
(Kalis, 1934) stat. nov.; elevated to species level; formerly considered
to be a subspecies of Brahmaea (Bramophthalma) hearseyi (White,
cf. Paukstadt, U., L.H. Paukstadt,
& Brosch (2000 [January 26]): Anmerkungen zum taxonomischen Status
von Brahmaea (Brahmophthalma) ardjoeno (KALIS,
1934) (stat. nov.) sowie zur geographischen Verbreitung der Taxa der hearseyi-Gruppe
in Asien (Lepidoptera: Brahmaeidae). Entomologische Zeitschrift
(Stuttgart); 110. Jahrgang, Heft 1/2000): p. 5.
==> Inhaltsangabe / Abstract |
Leucanella conlani Lemaire, 2002 new junior subjective synonym of Leucanella anikae Meister & Brechlin, 2002 cf. Mielke, Naumann, & Brosch (2005): Notes on Neotropical Saturniidae: Description of the male of Leucanella memusoides LEMAIRE, 1973 and the female of Mielkesia paranaensis (RÊGOBARROS & O. MIELKE, 1968). galathea. Berichte des Kreises Nürnberger Entomologen eV (Nürnberg); Supplement 15:, December 2004 [available: January 4th., 2005]: pp. 3, 8. |
Aglia homora Jordan in Seitz, 1911; <designation
of the male neotype> ex coll. Stefan Naumann, Berlin in Zoologisches
Museum der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin cf. Naumann, Brosch, &
Nässig (2003): A catalogue and annotated checklist of the subfamily
Agliinae PACKARD, 1893 (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae).
1. Review of the Aglia species with description of a new taxon from
Sichuan, China. Nachrichten des entomologischen Vereins Apollo
(Neue Folge) (Frankfurt/Main), Jahrgang
24, Heft 4, 19. Dezember
2003: p 177.
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Antheraea (Antheraea) rosieri imeldae Nässig & Treadaway, 1998 syn. nov. of Antheraea (Antheraea) rosieri Toxopeus, 1940 cf. Paukstadt, U., Brosch, & L.H. Paukstadt (2000 [August 23]): Preliminary Checklist of the Names of the Worldwide Genus Antheraea HÜBNER, 1819 (1816) (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). Part I. galathea. Berichte des Kreises Nürnberger Entomologen eV (Nürnberg); Supplement 9: p. 17. |
Aglia japonica Leech, 1889 [1888]; <designation
of the male lectotype> in The Natural History Museum, London
[BMNH] cf. Naumann, Brosch, & Nässig (2003): A catalogue and
annotated checklist of the subfamily Agliinae PACKARD,
1893 (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). 1. Review of the Aglia species
with description of a new taxon from Sichuan, China. Nachrichten des
entomologischen Vereins Apollo (Neue Folge) (Frankfurt/Main), Jahrgang
Heft 4, 19. Dezember 2003: p 176.
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Antheraea (Antheraea) frithi javanensis
Bouvier, 1928 <designation of the female lectotype>
cf. Paukstadt, U., L.H. Paukstadt, Brosch (1999 [December 28]):
Anmerkungen zu einigen der von Bouvier beschriebenen Taxa der Gattung Antheraea
Hübner, [1819] 1816 (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). galathea. Berichte
des Kreises Nürnberger Entomologen eV (Nürnberg); Supplement
pp. 4, 6, 8.
==> Inhaltsangabe / Abstract |
Phalaena lucina DRURY, 1782 <designation of the female lectotype> cf. Brosch, Naumann, & Meister (2002 [January 21]): Some notes on the African genus Dactyloceras (Lepidoptera: Brahmaeidae). galathea. Berichte des Kreises Nürnberger Entomologen eV (Nürnberg); Band 17, Heft 4, 2001: pp. 189, 194195; figs. phot.col. 3 <dorsal view>, fig. 4 <ventral view>. |
Phalaena lucina DRURY, 1782 <designation of the type-species> of Dactyloceras Mell in Hering in Seitz (Edit.), 1927 cf. Brosch, Naumann, & Meister (2002 [January 21]): Some notes on the African genus Dactyloceras (Lepidoptera: Brahmaeidae). galathea. Berichte des Kreises Nürnberger Entomologen eV (Nürnberg); Band 17, Heft 4, 2001: pp. 189, 194. |
Archaeoattacus edwardsii malayanus
Kurosawa & Kishida, 1985 ("1984") n. syn. of Archaeoattacus
edwardsii (White, 1859) cf. Brosch,
Naumann, L.H. Paukstadt, U. Paukstadt, Tcherniak, & Beeke (1999 [December
28]): Anmerkungen zur Brahmaeiden- und Saturniidenfauna (Lepidoptera: Bombycoidea)
von Laos und Kambodscha. galathea. Berichte des Kreises Nürnberger
Entomologen eV (Nürnberg); Supplement 6: pp. 34, 39.
==> Inhaltsangabe / Abstract |
Antheraea (Antheraeopsis) mezops
Bryk, 1944 stat. rev., stat. nov.; reinstated, elevated to species
level [neither to be a subspecies of Antheraea (Antheraeopsis) assamensis
(Helfer, 1837) nor of any other taxon of the castanea-group]
cf. Paukstadt, U., Brosch, & L.H. Paukstadt (1999 [November 18]): Taxonomische
Anmerkungen zu Antheraea (Antheraeopsis) mezops Bryk 1944,
(rev. stat.), von Myanmar und Vietnam, sowie die Beschreibung des unbekannten
Weibchens (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). Entomologische Zeitschrift
(Stuttgart); 109. Jahrgang, Heft 11, 1999: pp. 450, 451.
==> Inhaltsangabe / Abstract |
Saturnia (Rinaca) microcaligula
Nässig, 1994 n. syn. of Saturnia (Rinaca) cachara (Moore,
1872) cf. Brosch, Naumann, L.H. Paukstadt,
U. Paukstadt, Tcherniak, & Beeke (1999 [December 28]): Anmerkungen
zur Brahmaeiden- und Saturniidenfauna (Lepidoptera: Bombycoidea) von Laos
und Kambodscha. galathea. Berichte des Kreises Nürnberger
Entomologen eV (Nürnberg); Supplement 6: pp. 34, 47.
==> Inhaltsangabe / Abstract |
Antheraea (Antheraea) mindoroensis
Brosch & U. Paukstadt in U. Paukstadt & Brosch, 1996 stat.
rev.; elevated to species level; formerly considered to be a subspecies
of Antheraea (Antheraea) larissa (Westwood, 1847)
cf. Paukstadt, U., L.H. Paukstadt, & Brosch (2000 [March 18]):
Taxonomische Änderungen bei den Taxa des
(Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). Entomologische Zeitschrift (Stuttgart);
Jahrgang, Heft 3/2000): p. 71.
==> Inhaltsangabe / Abstract |
Loepa oberthuri
Leech, 1890 <designation of the male lectotype according to ICZN
(1985): preamble, Art. 74> cf. Brosch,
Naumann, L.H. Paukstadt, U. Paukstadt, Tcherniak, & Beeke (1999 [December
28]): Anmerkungen zur Brahmaeiden- und Saturniidenfauna (Lepidoptera: Bombycoidea)
von Laos und Kambodscha. galathea. Berichte des Kreises Nürnberger
Entomologen eV (Nürnberg); Supplement 6: pp. 34, 46.
==> Inhaltsangabe / Abstract |
Antheraea (Antheraea) mindoroensis philippirissa
Treadaway & Nässig, 1997 stat. nov.; considered to be a
subspecies of Antheraea (Antheraea) mindoroensis
Brosch & U. Paukstadt in U. Paukstadt & Brosch, 1996; original
described as a subspecies of Antheraea (Antheraea) larissa (Westwood,
1847) cf. Paukstadt, U., L.H. Paukstadt,
& Brosch (2000 [March 18]): Taxonomische Änderungen bei den Taxa
des Antheraea-larissa-Komplexes (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). Entomologische
Zeitschrift (Stuttgart); 110. Jahrgang, Heft 3/2000): p. 71.
==>Inhaltsangabe / Abstract |
Antheraea (Antheraea) mindoroensis philippirissa Treadaway & Nässig, 1997 syn. nov. of Antheraea (Antheraea) mindoroensis Brosch & U. Paukstadt in U. Paukstadt & Brosch, 1996; original described as a subspecies of Antheraea (Antheraea) larissa (Westwood, 1847) cf. Paukstadt, U., Brosch, & L.H. Paukstadt (2000 [August 23]): Preliminary Checklist of the Names of the Worldwide Genus Antheraea HÜBNER, 1819 (1816) (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). Part I. galathea. Berichte des Kreises Nürnberger Entomologen eV (Nürnberg); Supplement 9: pp. 1516. |
Leucanella piura Lampe, 2004 new junior subjective synonym of Leucanella memusoides Lemaire, 1973 cf. Mielke, Naumann, & Brosch (2005): Notes on Neotropical Saturniidae: Description of the male of Leucanella memusoides LEMAIRE, 1973 and the female of Mielkesia paranaensis (RÊGOBARROS & O. MIELKE, 1968). galathea. Berichte des Kreises Nürnberger Entomologen eV (Nürnberg); Supplement 15:, December 2004 [available: January 4th., 2005]: pp. 3, 8. |
Antheraea (Antheraea) larissa ridlyi
Moore, 1892 stat. rev., stat. nov.; considered to be a subspecies
and not a synonym of Antheraea (Antheraea) larissa (Westwood, 1847)
cf. Paukstadt, U., L.H. Paukstadt, & Brosch (2000 [March 18]):
Taxonomische Änderungen bei den Taxa des Antheraea-larissa-Komplexes
(Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). Entomologische Zeitschrift (Stuttgart);
Jahrgang, Heft 3/2000): p. 71.
==> Inhaltsangabe / Abstract |
Antheraea (Antheraea) sergestus Westwood, 1881 stat. rev. as a junior synonym of Antheraea (Antheraea) yamamai yamamai (Guérin-Méneville, 1861); sergestus was re-used in species rank by Jolly, Sen, Sonwalkar, & Prasad, 1979 cf. Paukstadt, U., Brosch & L.H. Paukstadt (2000 [August 23]): Preliminary Checklist of the Names of the Worldwide Genus Antheraea HÜBNER, 1819 (1816) (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). Part I. galathea. Berichte des Kreises Nürnberger Entomologen eV (Nürnberg); Supplement 9: p. 19. |
Antheraea (Antheraea) sumatrana
Niepelt, 1926 rev. stat.; released from synonymy of Antheraea
(Antheraea) gschwandneri Niepelt, 1918
cf. Paukstadt, U., L.H. Paukstadt, & Brosch (1998 [August 13]):
Taxonomische Änderungen und Anmerkungen zu den Taxa der Gattung Antheraea
Hübner, [1819] von Sumatera, Indonesien (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae).
Entomologische Zeitschrift (Essen);
108(8), 1998: pp. 317,
==> Inhaltsangabe / Abstract |
Antheraea (Antheraea) frithi tonkinensis
Bouvier, 1936 <designation of the female lectotype>
cf. Paukstadt, U., L.H. Paukstadt, & Brosch (1999 [December
28]): Anmerkungen zu einigen der von Bouvier beschriebenen Taxa der Gattung
Hübner, [1819] 1816 (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae).
galathea. Berichte
des Kreises Nürnberger Entomologen eV (Nürnberg); Supplement
pp. 4, [9], 10.
==> Inhaltsangabe / Abstract |
Antheraea (Antheraeopsis) youngi
Watson, 1915 rev. stat.; considered to be a distinct species and
not a subspecies of Antheraea (Antheraeopsis) castanea Jordan, 1910:
cf. Paukstadt, U., L.H. Paukstadt, & Brosch (1998 [August 13])
Taxonomische Änderungen und Anmerkungen zu den Taxa der Gattung
Hübner, [1819] von Sumatera, Indonesien (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae).
Entomologische Zeitschrift (Essen);
108. Jahrgang, Heft
8, 1998: pp. 317, 318
==> Inhaltsangabe / Abstract |
Antheraea (Antheraeopsis) yunnanensis Chu & Wang, 1993 stat. nov., stat. rev.; species inquierenda: yunnanensis was described as a subspecies of Antheraea (Antheraea) pernyi (Guèrin-Méneville, 1855), but the male genitalia, which is figured in the original description definitively not belongs to a taxon of the pernyi-group, but to a taxon of the subgenus Antheraeopsis Wood-Mason, 1886. Chu & Wang (1996) figured a male of yunnanensis (holotype?), which clearly belongs to the platessa species-group). We included yunnanensis into the subgenus Antheraeopsis due to the figured genitalia structures, which were considered to be the only clear diagnostic mark in the original description cf. Paukstadt, U., Brosch, & L.H. Paukstadt (2000 [August 23]): Preliminary Checklist of the Names of the Worldwide Genus Antheraea HÜBNER, 1819 (1816) (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). Part I. galathea. Berichte des Kreises Nürnberger Entomologen eV (Nürnberg); Supplement 9: p. 23. |
==> Liste der Neubeschreibungen / List of new taxa |
Ulrich & Anita Brosch
Mühlenstraße 22, 32479 Hille (Deutschland / Germany) |
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